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Policy 6.4 Procedures (prior to 9/1/2021)

These procedures apply to formal complaints signed under the “Procedures for Resolution of Reports Against Students Under Cornell University 6.4” and the “Procedures for Resolution of Reports Against Employees Under Cornell University 6.4 (Title IX Prohibited Conduct)” before September 1, 2021.

During the September 1, 2021, updates, no changes were made to the “Procedures for Resolution of Reports Against Employees Under Cornell University Policy 6.4 (Non-Title IX Prohibited Conduct).”

Respondent Prohibited Conduct Procedure
Student Where the respondent is a student who is alleged to have committed aiding prohibited conduct, attempting to commit prohibited conduct, dating and domestic violence, retaliation, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment and sex/gender-based harassment, stalking, and violating a supportive measure and/or temporary suspension. “Procedures for Resolution of Reports Against Students Under Cornell University Policy 6.4,” available at
Employee Where the respondent is an employee (faculty or staff) who is alleged to have committed attempting to commit prohibited conduct, Title IX sexual harassment (which includes quid pro quo harassment, hostile environment sexual harassment and sex/gender-based harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking), and retaliation. “Procedures for Resolution of Reports Against Employees Under Cornell University Policy 6.4 (Title IX Prohibited Conduct),” available at Procedures for Resolution of Reports Against Employees Under Cornell University Policy 6.4 (Title IX Prohibited Conduct) (8.14.2020)

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